Saturday, 30 April 2011

Got some sound working

I have been able to get some sound working but nothing like i wanted. I can get a droning sound in the background that makes a higher, lower sound depending on where the mouse is positioned on the screen. The problem i have is to now put this sound into the balls instead of the mouse.

Trying to get sound working

Getting stuck with the sound part to the project. Im not to sure weither it should be in the original tab or in the second tab with the spring class. Will try both and see which one works or is more effective.

What i want for sound

This is for me a very hard process, i was away for the sound lecture or studio. I want to have when the user pulls on one of the balls it will spring like sound untill the ball has come to its resting place again. Each different ball will have a seperate sound depending on where they are positioned. Resulting in being able to make multipul sounds at the same time.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Project Two re-designed

After starting my original idea of the balls exploding into smaller balls on impact with each other, i realised that there was far too little user interaction. The only user interation was making 'X' amount of balls and the direction they would start in. So i went back to my sketches and choose another, this was the idea of a spring type system where a ball would get thrown in a direction and then slowly return to the original position. The reason i didnt choose this sketch in the first place was due to me thinking it would be far to hard. But to have a good amount of user interation i realised it cannot be a simple code.
With help from tutors and googling 'processing tutorials' i made a ball and string program.

Then because of using an 'Array List' like demonstrated in the tutorial by Tim, i could make multiple ball springs in very little time and without having to change any code. ( Variables and Array Lists was a must for me as i learnt how important it was to use variables etc after the many hours i put into my Wallpapers in Project One.)
This is the same code but with multiple ball springs.

Then drawing a line from the two points i had already used in my code i could draw a line from the starting point to the ball no matter where its location was. Then with a little playing around i made the stroke weight more, size of the balls larger and changed the colours. This was my result.

This result i found was what i would use and add sound to. For the sound i thought i would have each of the balls be a different pitch or volume. With each ball movement will make a sound, at the pitch or volume it has been set to.

The results of the sound will be the next post.

Making patterns from multiple objects

Friday, 1 April 2011

My project 2 interim designs/ideas

I wanted to use the idea of balls bouncing around and making different sounds as they hit either each other or the walls. With that in mind I created six quick sketches of my ideas, then chose three to draw and use as story board designs.

My inspiration came from the lecture video of the different balls being dropped and making sounds according to their size.
The top of the three pictures is what i will base my project two on. Given it had the recommendation from the tutors. It works by the user making as many balls as they like and can start their movement in any direction. The balls will then keep traveling in that direction until they hit a wall or another ball. If the balls collide then they will break/pop into two smaller balls each. The smaller the ball the higher the note, collisions also make their own sound. The user interaction is the ability make new balls and direct the balls.

Refection of project one

 Some of the things i have noticed now are that size makes a picture very different. While working on my design on the computer i wanted it to be as i saw it on the screen, but didn’t really consider the enlargement. I will defiantly have this in mind for future works.
Another thing I have taken on was the use of variables, as it would have made my project a lot easier. Harder at first but for the detail and any changes it would have made life easier. I will again take this on for future projects or assignments. A bit of work now means less work later.
Time management, this is something I need to work on for all my papers, projects and assignments.
I found that I had a lot more work than I originally thought. Luckily I didn’t have any clashes at the time but this has opened my eyes. Also if I needed help I had left it too late to ask.