Monday, 11 April 2011

Project Two re-designed

After starting my original idea of the balls exploding into smaller balls on impact with each other, i realised that there was far too little user interaction. The only user interation was making 'X' amount of balls and the direction they would start in. So i went back to my sketches and choose another, this was the idea of a spring type system where a ball would get thrown in a direction and then slowly return to the original position. The reason i didnt choose this sketch in the first place was due to me thinking it would be far to hard. But to have a good amount of user interation i realised it cannot be a simple code.
With help from tutors and googling 'processing tutorials' i made a ball and string program.

Then because of using an 'Array List' like demonstrated in the tutorial by Tim, i could make multiple ball springs in very little time and without having to change any code. ( Variables and Array Lists was a must for me as i learnt how important it was to use variables etc after the many hours i put into my Wallpapers in Project One.)
This is the same code but with multiple ball springs.

Then drawing a line from the two points i had already used in my code i could draw a line from the starting point to the ball no matter where its location was. Then with a little playing around i made the stroke weight more, size of the balls larger and changed the colours. This was my result.

This result i found was what i would use and add sound to. For the sound i thought i would have each of the balls be a different pitch or volume. With each ball movement will make a sound, at the pitch or volume it has been set to.

The results of the sound will be the next post.

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