I have been unable to get any sound going on my project, which is not good at all. I am unable to look at other designs and understand how to add the sound. I have added the code underneth as i cant export it to openprocessing as it wont compile.
//// Project Two, DSDN 142 ////
//// George Bristow 300239542 ////
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
Minim minim;
//AudioSample move;
//SineWave sine;
//AudioOutput out;
List<Spring> springs = new ArrayList<Spring>();
Spring held = null;
void setup(){
minim = new Minim(this);
//move = minim.loadSample("Turkey Gobble.mp3");
// // get a line out from Minim, default bufferSize is 1024, default sample rate is 44100, bit depth is 16
// out = minim.getLineOut(Minim.STEREO);
// // create a sine wave Oscillator, set to 440 Hz, at 0.5 amplitude, sample rate from line out
// sine = new SineWave(440, 0.5, out.sampleRate());
// // set the portamento speed on the oscillator to 200 milliseconds
// sine.portamento(200);
// // add the oscillator to the line out
// out.addSignal(sine);
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
springs.add(new Spring(width / 4 * i, height / 4 * j), "Turkey Gobble.mp3");
void draw(){
// float freq = map(Spring.x, 0, height, 1500, 60);
// sine.setFreq(freq);
for (Spring spring : springs) {
if (spring == held) {
spring.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY).draw();
} else {
if (spring.isMoving ()) {
// else {
// move.rewind();
// }
void mousePressed(){
// mouse pressed on a ball will let u drag it in any direction
for (Spring spring : springs) {
if (spring.mouseOver()) {
held = spring;
void mouseReleased(){
// will release the ball in the opersite direction that u have dragged it
if (held != null) {
held = null;
////////////////////////////Tab two starts here///////////////////////////////
class Spring {
private float
x, y
, vx, vy
, ax, ay
, size = 80
, ls = 5;
private final float springX, springY;
private boolean
released = false
, left, above
, vleft, vup;
private AudioPlayer audio;
public Spring(float x, float y, String audioName) {
this.springX = x;
this.springY = y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
audio = minim.loadFile("audioName");
public Spring draw() {
ellipse(x, y, size, size);
return this;
public Spring moveTo(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
public Spring move() {
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
x += vx;
y += vy;
if (vleft && vx >= 0 || !vleft && vx <= 0 ||
vup && vy >= 0 || !vup && vy <= 0) {
vleft = !vleft;
vup = !vup;
if (left && x > springX || !left && x < springX ||
above && y > springY || !above && y < springY) {
left = !left;
above = !above;
return this;
* Calculates whether the mouse is over the spring or not.
public boolean mouseOver() {
if (dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY) > size / 2) {
return false;
return true;
public void release() {
vx = vy = 0;
ax = (springX - x) / 60;
ay = (springY - y) / 60;
left = x < springX;
above = y < springY;
vleft = ax < 0;
vup = ay < 0;
released = true;
public void flip() {
ax *= -1.2;
ay *= -1.2;
if (released && abs(ax) < 0.1 && abs(ay) < 0.1) {
ax = ay = vx = vy = 0;
x = springX;
y = springY;
released = false;
public void vflip() {
ax *= 0.75;
ay *= 0.75;
boolean isMoving () {
return (ax != 0 && ay != 0) ;
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