Friday, 20 May 2011

New idea for project 3

After trying to get the tin foil idea working and having my map rip in half mid drawing, i started playing around with what i did have. This is what i have come up with.
It's a game where the user has to guide the wire loop from one end of the wire to the other. If at any stage the loop touches the wire it will complete the circuit and the LED will light up. I have already made a mock up model and tested it on 5 people with good results. I was told in the interim presentation to have something interesting that people will rermember. The model i made has been the flat center of attention all weekend so i guess i have covered that point. I am not to sure how my final model will look or wiether i will have more than one track to complete, i might add noise as well but will ask the tutors on that one.
This is a picture of the mock up model i made on the weekend.